Iain M. Cockburn

Senior Consultant to CRA

Dr. Iain M. Cockburn is an econometrician and industrial organization economist specializing in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and health care industries.

His research interests include the economics of innovation, intellectual property, pharmacoeconomics, productivity measurement, competitive strategy, and applied econometrics. He is Professor of Finance and Economics and Richard C. Shipley Professor in Management at the School of Management at Boston University in Boston, MA and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, MA.

Dr. Cockburn currently serves on the Government Industry Partnerships for the Development of New Technologies, National Research Council, Steering Committee in Washington, DC. He has testified in cases in the US and Canada.

Prior to coming to Boston University, he was the Van Dusen Professor of Business Administration in the Faculty of Commerce the University of British Columbia.

Dr. Cockburn’s research in economics and management is published widely in leading journals, including the Strategic Management Journal, American Economic Review, RAND Journal of Economics, Health Affairs, and the Journal of Industrial Economics. He is currently Co-editor of the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy and was Associate Editor of Management Science.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Assessing damages market issues for delayed generic entry in Canada
    CRA has been retained in Canadian Section 8 matters to quantify sales and profits a generic manufacturer would have made if it had been allowed to enter...
    View engagement


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