Covid-19 has thrown the world into turmoil. Most CEOs have spent the first 2-3 weeks of this crisis focused on business continuity issues – team health and safety, migration to remote working models where possible, supply chain assurance, and financial stress testing.
As our clients adjust their operations to realities of the Covid-19 world, many, in particular the ones at the helm of resilient businesses (strong balance sheets, sound underlying business models), are shifting their attention to trying to understand what the medium and longer-term will bring.
In light of this shift in orientation, a question we get asked again and again is: which of the trends and behaviours we are seeing accelerate in the Covid-19 world are here to stay, and what does this mean for me and my business?
SAF to be used in Singapore departing flights from 2026
In this article, Marakon’s Rod Davies shares his thoughts on Singapore’s commitment to mandate the use of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) for departing...