
Analysis for international titanium dioxide producer

An international titanium dioxide producer was interested in determining how the trade flows, costs, and prices of TiO2 are likely to change in the future.

CRA performed the following tasks:

– Assembled a database of the current and projected TiO2 plants around the world by company, location, process route, design capacity, and on-stream date.

– Assessed world and regional supply and demand balances and trade flows.

– Assessed the production costs for key plant sites and competitors.

– Estimated how current plant operating costs are likely to change over the next few years due to environmental compliance costs.

– Evaluated the likelihood of plant closures due to costs factors.

– Furnished an opinion about how these changes would be likely to affect the new import and export position of the world TiO2 market.

As a continuation of the project, CRA did a detailed analysis of a potentially high-growth end use market application.