CRA consultants advised Bauer Radio, a third party active in the UK commercial radio sector, during the OFT and Competition Commission’s reviews of the merger between radio groups Global Radio Holdings Limited (Global) and Real and Smooth Limited (formerly GMG Radio Holdings Limited). After an in-depth review period, which was extended by eight weeks, the CC concluded that the merger is likely to lead to higher prices for advertising in seven of the nine areas of the UK in which the merging parties overlap. Global is required to sell stations (either the acquired stations or some of its own stations) broadcasting to the following seven areas: the East Midlands; Cardiff; North Wales; Greater Manchester & the North-West; the North-East; the South and West of Yorkshire; and Central Scotland. The buyers of the disposed stations must be approved by the CC to ensure they will be viable competitors to Global.
Meaning and limits of statistical significance
In a new article published in WuW – Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (Competition Law & Economics), Johannes Dittrich, Sebastian Panthöfer and Lars Wiethaus delve...