A team of experts from CRA’s European Competition Practice, together with Dr. Andrea Coscelli, Director of Competition Economics at Ofcom, teach a six-month course on “The Role of Economics in Competition Law & Practice.” The CRA team includes Ugur Akgün, Valter Sorana, and Hugh Wills. The course will cover an introduction to microeconomics and industrial organization theory; as well as the application of economics to competition policy, including the analysis of market power, market definition, cartels and other coordinated behavior, unilateral conduct including predatory and exclusionary practices, and horizontal and vertical mergers. The course does not require any previous knowledge of economics.
The Role of Uncertainty in the Future European Horizontal Merger Guidelines: Lessons Learned From Illumina/GRAIL
Under these circumstances, it is however not entirely clear how the future competitive landscape will look like, merger effects cannot be modelled with a high...