antitrust and competition

Antitrust & Competition

CRA is a global leader in the economic analysis of mergers and non-merger antitrust and competition matters.

Empirical and theoretical approaches pioneered by CRA economists have been accepted as standard practice by competition economists and enforcers worldwide.

We tailor our analyses to fit the facts and economics of each case, bringing a unique combination of creativity and rigor to each matter. CRA economists have also testified in litigated competition cases, or met with and provided submissions to antitrust enforcement agencies. In our work, and in discussions with clients, we distill complex competition issues and economic analyses into concepts and arguments that are understandable to non-economists.

Our expertise in antitrust economics, econometrics, mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and related matters has made us the firm of choice for clients and competition authorities around the globe. Our globally based antitrust economists have the knowledge, jurisdiction-specific expertise, and geographic presence required to efficiently support clients around the world.


  • 01
    CMA clears acquisition of Teads by Outbrain
    On 31 January 2025, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) announced the unconditional clearance of Outbrain’s acquisition of Teads.
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  • 02
    CRA advises two manufacturers of household appliances in a vertical restraints investigation in France
    A CRA team including Laurent Flochel, Romain Bizet, Sylvestre Boittin-Duchesne and Adam Samson assisted two manufacturers (Candy and SMEG) and their counsels...
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  • 03
    CRA advises AWS on CMA’s cloud services market investigation
    A CRA team led by Mikaël Hervé, Sebastian Panthöfer, Christian Michel, Mariam Arutyunyan, Areen Dakessian, Federico Navarro, and Charles Conquest advised AWS...
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