Securities Litigation Flash: Q2 2024
In this edition of CRA’s Securities Litigation Flash, we cover Section 10 (b) and Section 11 filings and settlements from Q2 2024. Filing trends Section 10(b)...
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Dr. Keith Bockus focuses on financial economics, valuation, and financial accounting issues. He consults on shareholder disputes, securities fraud and insider trading, solvency, breach of contract, and other matters.
He has worked on a broad range of industries, including financial services, transportation, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, entertainment, and online services.
Dr. Bockus also consults on antitrust matters. He has been engaged in numerous matters in the verification of merger efficiencies in horizontal mergers. He has also performed financial analyses related to claims of anticompetitive behavior, failing firm defenses, and he has analyzed the financial ability of firms to pay antitrust fines.
For several years, he served as Adjunct Associate Professor of Accounting at The University of Chicago Booth School of Business, where he taught financial accounting and financial statement analysis.