Michael J. Loreth

Michael J. Loreth | Auctions & Competitive Bidding | Charles River Associates

Michael J. Loreth specializes in feasibility analysis, financial evaluations, cost estimation, and technology evaluations covering the mineral, metal, chemical, plastic, and manufactured parts industries. Mr. Loreth has nearly 30 years of consulting experience in market research, strategic and business planning, technology assessment, competitive cost and benchmarking, financial scenario analysis, and acquisition analysis.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    CRA assists Colombia and its counsel in their victory against $1.1 billion claim alleged by mining company
    James Burrows and Tiago Duarte-Silva opined, inter alia, on the market value of that project and on the value of the portion of Eco Oro’s concession that had...
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  • 02
    CRA assists Romania and its counsel in their victory against $6.7 billion claim by Gabriel Resources (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/31)
    Gabriel Resources alleged that Romania had breached two bilateral investment treaties, including the obligation to not expropriate without compensation. The...
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  • 03
    Gold mining bilateral investment treaty dispute
    In the context of a Bilateral Investment Treaty Dispute between a CIS Gold Mining Company and a Sovereign State under UNCITRAL rules, we were retained by a...
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