agribusiness and natural resources

Mining & Materials Arbitration

CRA has successfully supported a wide variety of arbitrations in the mining arena, including breach of contract, international licensing disputes, and trade controversies. Our team integrates expertise in economics, corporate finance, materials science, geology, chemical engineering, and industrial organization. We have consulted directly with major mining corporations as well as the governmental agencies that regulate them.

Our expertise covers the entire industry including: iron and steel; light, base, refractory and precious metals; coal and coke; aerospace materials; and Industrial minerals and materials.


  • 01
    CRA assists Colombia and its counsel in their victory against $1.1 billion claim alleged by mining company
    James Burrows and Tiago Duarte-Silva opined, inter alia, on the market value of that project and on the value of the portion of Eco Oro’s concession that had...
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  • 02
    CRA assists Romania and its counsel in their victory against $6.7 billion claim by Gabriel Resources (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/31)
    Gabriel Resources alleged that Romania had breached two bilateral investment treaties, including the obligation to not expropriate without compensation. The...
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  • 03
    Canadian arbitration royalty dispute
    David Persampieri advised on a Canadian arbitration dispute regarding the payment of royalties by the operator of a mine producing high-grade iron ore...
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