The ABA Section of Antitrust Law Spring Meeting is the world’s largest gathering of competition and consumer protection professionals.
Margaret Sanderson is a participant in a debate on “Stifling Innovation: Is it worse than Price Fixing?”
Joanna Tsai is a participant in the panel discussion on “Fundamentals—Economics.”
Fiona Scott Morton is a panelist on “FTC Hearings: Moving the Ball?”
Steve Salop is participating in a panel entitled, “Beyond No-Poach: Mergers, Monopsony, and Labor Markets.”
Carl Shapiro is a panelist on the topic of “Should Antitrust Tame the Global Tech Giants?”
For more information on this event, click here.
The Role of Uncertainty in the Future European Horizontal Merger Guidelines: Lessons Learned From Illumina/GRAIL
Under these circumstances, it is however not entirely clear how the future competitive landscape will look like, merger effects cannot be modelled with a high...