Quenton Wright is co-presenting with Zina Deldar on “Pay Equity and Practical Considerations in Self-Analysis.” Recent developments in pay gap and salary history laws have resulted in a patchwork of inconsistent laws, creating complex legal issues for employers. We will discuss whether employers should make a privileged pay analysis a compliance priority, the legal frameworks to understand how to set up an analysis, as well as how to identify a pay equity short- fall, decisions regarding remediation, and how to implement a pay adjustment. The panel will include a statistical analyst who has worked hand-in-hand with employment counsel to help employers navigate these treacherous and generally un- charted waters.
For more information on this event, click here.
Labor & Employment Literature Watch: Remote & hybrid work, Part 3
In the two previous issues of Labor & Employment Literature Watch we examined observational studies, in which the data analyzed was collected ex post, i.e.,...