CRA Insights

IP Literature Watch: August 2023

August 29, 2023
Stack of books on a table

In this month’s IP Literature Watch we include a paper exploring whether non-practicing entities are more likely than other patent enforcers to behave opportunistically; a paper recommending best courses of action for the Indian government to facilitate a pro-competitive SEP licensing ecosystem for both experienced and inexperienced SEP negotiators; an article deconstructing some of the arguments disclosure opponents have cited to undermine the comparison between insurance and litigation financing disclosures; a paper analyzing, theoretically and empirically, the implications of salience on innovation announcements in the biopharmaceutical industry; an article examining the overlooked consequences of the gap in capacity standards between copyright and other areas of law; a paper investigating how international patent activity enables firms from emerging economies to thrive in the global marketplace; a research paper exploring the intersection of intellectual property (IP) and artificial intelligence (AI) and its legal implications; and a paper examining the economic consequences of anti-loss trafficking rules, which disallow the use of tax loss carry-forwards after a substantial change in ownership or activity.

To read more about these topics and other recent publications concerning intellectual property issues around the world, download a copy.

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