CRA Insights

IP Literature Watch: February 2023

February 27, 2023
Stack of books on a table

In this month’s IP Literature Watch we include an article proposing three initiatives to address the inconsistent metadata standard currently disrupting digital music consumption; a study examining the relationship between a university’s research expenditures and its likelihood to litigate patent infringement claims; an article analyzing whether the Seventh Amendment affords a right to a jury trial in suits in which the owner of a patent seeks only equitable relief against an accused infringer; a chapter considering the impact of generative AI on artists and creatives as a category of workers and their creative outputs; and a paper examining how venture capital alters the impact of banking crises on innovation based on cross-country industry-level data for the period 1980-2012.

To read more about these topics and other recent publications concerning intellectual property issues around the world, download a copy.

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