Securities Litigation Flash: Q2 2024
In this edition of CRA’s Securities Litigation Flash, we cover Section 10 (b) and Section 11 filings and settlements from Q2 2024. Filing trends Section 10(b)...
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Mr. O’Neil is co-leader of CRA’s Finance Practice. He has twenty-five years of economics consulting experience, with a particular focus on valuation, securities litigation, and damages. He has extensive experience leading teams of consultants in more than twenty appraisal actions and related merger and acquisition litigations filed in Delaware Chancery Court and other jurisdictions.
In securities litigation matters, Mr. O’Neil has worked on behalf of companies, directors and officers, auditors, investment banks, and insurers, and has played an active role in all phases of litigation, including class certification, discovery, materiality and causation, per-share and total damages, mediation, and settlement. He has been retained by insurers in securities litigations to review the damages record and advise them on damages and settlement issues. He testified as an expert witness on damages and settlement issues in an international arbitration. He has managed litigation projects in a variety of industries, including, for example, health insurance, energy infrastructure, financial institutions, financial services, electricity and energy services, pharmaceuticals, consumer packaged goods, software, chemicals, real estate, retail, consumer and business services, precious metals, manufacturing, and high technology.