CRA Insights

IP Literature Watch: June 2022

June 29, 2022
Stack of books on a table

Among the pieces featured in this month’s IP Literature Watch are a paper considering the intervention of competition authorities to regulate 5G royalties; a study identifying stable coalition structures in generalized patent licensing games with a specified payment scheme; a paper documenting third-party funding in patent litigation with a unique data set; an article examining over 1,100 image infringement lawsuits that were filed between March 1, 2020, and March 1, 2021, and analyzing the nature of the complaints; a paper measuring face-to-face interactions (or meetings) between workers at different establishments in Silicon Valley; and a study providing evidence that firms adapt to macroeconomic, real, or financial economic uncertainty by decreasing their innovation activities.

To read more about these topics and other recent publications concerning intellectual property issues around the world, download a copy.

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