Chris Nagle

Christopher Nagle | Energy | Charles River Associates

Chris Nagle is a principal in CRA’s Energy Practice. He has over 15 years of experience in the electric industry, both advising clients and at a large US investor-owned utility.

Mr. Nagle has worked with utilities and independent developers on projects including economic evaluations of capital investments, cost-benefit analyses for transmission owners joining an ISO/RTO, development of strategic business plans, and the formation of regulatory and cost-recovery strategies. His expertise includes utility wholesale and retail cost of service and rate design. He has contributed to numerous state and federal regulatory proceedings and has testified as an expert witness before state public service commissions and at FERC.

Mr. Nagle holds an MBA with a finance concentration from American University and a BA in Economics from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Load prioritization and providing clean energy optionality through data center tariff design
    CRA has collaborated with both utility and data center clients to identify mechanisms to prioritize data center loads in ever tightening markets. Load...
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  • 02
    Due diligence to support John Laing's entry into the North American transmission sector
    Pioneer encompasses a 42.5-mile, 765 kV transmission line and substation assets. This MISO Multi-Value Project represents John Laing’s first transmission asset...
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  • 03
    Supporting Alliant Energy’s innovative distributed generation compensation proposal
    Alliant Energy’s Wisconsin Power & Light engaged CRA to support its Power Partnership proposal, an innovative model for compensating distributed generation...
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