Lisa Dane

Vice President
Lisa Q. Dane | Risk Investigations & Analytics | Charles River Associates

Ms. Dane is a vice president in the Risk, Investigations & Analytics Practice at Charles River Associates. She has over 25 years of experience conducting white collar investigations for law firms and multi-national businesses.

Working closely with attorneys, forensic accountants, data analytics experts, and computer forensics specialists, Ms. Dane has led numerous large-scale, global investigations involving asset tracing and recovery, fraud, internal corruption, Ponzi schemes, IP theft, FCPA matters and activist issues. In addition, Ms. Dane has extensive experience conducting in-depth reputational due diligence on individuals and entities in sensitive pre-transaction matters.

Ms. Dane has distinct expertise in pioneering the application of social media analytics to gather intelligence in various types of investigations and litigation support matters, by using specialized software that uncovers social media connections between individuals and groups and can also identify relevant commentary on topics that may prove pivotal in an investigation.

Prior to joining CRA, Ms. Dane was a Senior Managing Director and Co-Leader of a business advisory firm’s Global Risk & Investigations Practice, as well as a senior leader of an international professional services firm’s Business Intelligence Services practice.

In addition to serving as co-chair of CRA’s Pro Bono Committee, Lisa leads CRA’s pro bono efforts for Sanctuary for Families, New York’s leading service provider and advocate for survivors of domestic violence, sex trafficking, and related forms of gender violence, she serves as a member of their Legal Advisory Council and the Narkis Golan International Child Abduction Initiative.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Global asset identification
    In conjunction with outside counsel for an investment firm client, CRA was engaged on a large-scale asset recovery investigation spanning multiple countries in...
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  • 02
    Investigation of business owner defaulting on millions of dollars
    CRA was retained by a financing firm to investigate the background and asset profile of a business owner operating in North and South America who had defaulted...
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  • 03
    Retail business partners misappropriated $20M out of joint venture
    CRA was hired by a law firm representing an Asian-based client in a retail business whose US business partners misappropriated over $20M out of their joint...
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