Jim McMahon

Vice President

Jim McMahon is a vice president and leads the advisory services segment in CRA’s Energy Practice. He has been a strategic, economic, and financial consultant to the energy sector for over 25 years.

Mr. McMahon works with diversified energy companies, electric and gas utilities, merchant generators, private equity, and independent system operators. He specializes in strategy, business planning, and mergers and acquisitions. For utilities, Mr. McMahon has advised on business strategy, integrated resource planning, grid modernization, rates and resiliency issues, among other areas. In addition to advising on these topics, Mr. McMahon has supported and filed expert testimony in federal and state regulatory settings, including at FERC and with the regulatory commissions of CA, WY, AR, MO, WI, OK, KS, GA, and IN.

Mr. McMahon’s M&A work has included commercial and regulatory due diligence on behalf of pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, banks, and private equity. He has been involved in a wide range of energy infrastructure transactions, including electric and gas utilities, power plants, electric transmission, community and C&I solar and storage, hydrogen hubs, CCS, and long-duration energy storage. He has supported transactions involving more than 1,000 GW of power plants. Mr. McMahon also works with ISOs on strategy, planning, and procurement.

Mr. McMahon holds an MBA and a JD from the College of William & Mary and a BA in Economics from Tufts University.

Selected engagements

  • 01
    Assessing data center load forecasting methodologies in Integrated Resource Planning
    CRA collaborated with industry stakeholders to establish best practices in data center load forecasting that base reference forecasts on known mature projects...
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  • 02
    Load prioritization and providing clean energy optionality through data center tariff design
    CRA has collaborated with both utility and data center clients to identify mechanisms to prioritize data center loads in ever tightening markets. Load...
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  • 03
    Addressing data center growth in competitive wholesale energy markets
    CRA has engaged with multiple utilities operating within integrated markets and helped identify possible future load development by assessing growth in data...
    View engagement
